Sunday, May 18, 2008

A graduation and reunion...

It's been a while since I've been on here, but this is certainly worth sharing!! We've had a wonderful weekend -- well, week really. My parents and sister arrived on Monday, my aunt and uncle came on Thursday for a visit and to top it all off, my brother graduated from college on Saturday! My brother is the last of us three kids to graduate from this was the last hurrah, so to speak! It's been wonderful to be with my aunt and uncle - I'd not seen them in ten years!! What a wonderful time we've all had together!! My dad's brother and his family were up too, and the brothers-in-law got to meet each other. It's been lovely!

Para meus amigos em Moçambique, queria compartilhar convosco os novidades deste lado. Estão aqui algumas fotos da graduação do David da universidade. Também tivemos o meu tio e a tia que vinham da Inglaterra. Não vi eles des de 1998!!! Passou dez anos sem lhes-ver! Tivemos um tempo muito especial juntos! Este foi um occasião muito especial porque David é o ultimo da nossa família para graduar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ola Beth que bom que o David graduou parabens para ele