Saturday, May 26, 2007

First full day back

It's been a good first day back here... I slept in until about 10AM, got a quick shower and then was out romping with the dogs (got dirty almost right away! That's Africa for you!! Hehe!). Then Mom took me to visit with all the students' kids who were clustered around a marula tree (apparently they've been dying to meet Mary and me). We met them and especially the cutest little 3 year old girl named Elizabeth.

Here in Mozambique if you have the same name as someone you are their "chara" (pronounced "shara" -- it doesn't have an equivalent in English) -- being "chara" with someone though you have a real close bond...almost like family. Anyway, Elizabeth broke her arm a while back and Mom and Dad got her to the hospital and Mom took especial care of her and now she insists on sitting with them in church. Mom told her that my name is Elizabeth too and apparently she has been so anxious to meet me -- her "chara". She was very shy, but took my hand and led me to where her mother was scrubbing clothes so I met the rest of the family.

After a while, I went and sat under the marula tree with all the other kids. They were very busy making kites from tattered plastic bags, meticulously cutting out squares using shards of glass. Then they hunted about for sticks. They were using old maize bags (made from woven strands of plastic) for the string, carefully knotting the strands all together. They were really shy around me but were very anxious to show me how they could fly their kites, running as fast as they could to get them to lift off the ground. The littlest ones, two little girls were playing in the dirt next to me. They had very serious expressions on their faces but seemed fascinated with me. They were so cute!! I'm hoping to get to know them all much better over the next couple of weeks.

Sitting under that marula tree, in the sun with a mild breeze blowing, I felt so relaxed...sort of falling back into the rhythm of life over here. I feel like I'm on a high at the moment... I'm so happy!

This afternoon we went to the home of our fellow missionaries - the Scotts - for lunch and ended up staying there all afternoon, just visiting and sharing photos. I also spent time befriending their dogs and cats.

Then after that we called in at the Central Hospital to visit one of the students' children - a 7yr old named Gabriel - who Dad rushed to the hospital earlier this week. It was found that he had kidney failure and was convulsing. He was released from the ICU yesterday and so we were able to visit with him this evening. I didn't know what to expect in the hospital but was greatly encouraged to see it was clean, with beautiful bright pictures in the hallways...actually a pleasant place all things considered! Gabriels parents and uncle were with him and when we came in, he gave us a tired little smile, but the poor little guy is exhausted. Hopefully he is on the mend. No one is sure what caused the kidney failure at this point though. We'll stop in tomorrow to see him again.

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